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"Learning is the treasure that will never leave its owner and will follow to the ends of the world.." Dr Zamekio Jackson




Our Mission

St Thomas Christian University is a Christ-centered learning community equipping students for lifelong leadership and service through an education marked by excellence and grounded in biblical truth.


Our Beliefs

At St Thomas Christian University we seek to highlight our Christian identity in ways that unite Christians everywhere, and not in ways that tend to cause division between various groups of Christians In this spirit.

We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, and we proclaim him Lord and Savior of the world.

We receive the Bible as Holy Scripture, and we expect God to speak to the world today through the words of Scripture by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We understand the Church in all its diversity to be the Body of Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit as God’s agent of reconciliation in the world.

We believe the love of God, expressed in Jesus Christ, accessed by faith, has the power to change lives.

What We Believe

  • In One God in Three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

  • That God the Father Almighty created the universe.

  • That God the Son became the Man Jesus Christ, and obeyed and died instead of us to pay for the sins of all people for all time.

  • That Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, is Lord over all and will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead.

  • That God the Holy Spirit seeks us and brings us to faith in Jesus by His Sacraments and Word, whether proclaimed by the Spirit's strength from the Scriptures, or written by the Spirit's inspiration in the Scriptures, which are the true, perfect, and saving words of God the Holy Spirit.

  • That we are saved by God's freely given sacrifice of His only Son, Jesus Christ, through trust in Him, and not through anything we do.

  • That to God you are worth dying for and that God's love for you is the reason we are here.


Saint Thomas Christian University was originally named Saint Thomas Institute. The college was founded by Dr. Charles Pearson in Chicago, IL in 1966. It was Dr. Pearson’s vision that Saint Thomas became an international training ground for young ministers of the gospel. Bolstered by an enrollment of over 200 students the college changed its name to Saint Thomas Bible College in 1981. In 1985 Dr. Pearson began to realize his dream of becoming an international college by expanding Saint Thomas with the satellite campus program.



Unfortunately, the growth of the college began to dwindle due to the death of the visionary, Dr. Pearson in 1990. There were three leaders in four years, which prompted the school’s Board of Regents to close the school. The dream of Dr. Pearson became the vision of Dr. Zamekio Jackson and the Rev. Cleveland Stephens who had started a satellite campus in Jacksonville, FL in 1994. The Jacksonville school conducted its first graduation in 1996. The college quickly began to grow picking up many of the former extension campuses of Saint Thomas Bible College. Within one year the college was in three different countries and had as many as seventeen (17) satellite campuses in the United States. Today, the vision of Dr. Jackson and Dr. Stephens has become a powerful influence to pastors around the world. The college from humble beginnings is still touching nations. The dream lives on.


Staff Leaders

DJNBU Graduate Believes.

The Bible is the revelation of the nature and will of God, the incarnation of the Son, and the work of the Holy Spirit, and is the authority for Christian faith and practice.
Life has meaning only through a relationship with God, recognizing that the pursuit of knowledge in any field is ultimately a quest for understanding of God and His creation. Faith and learning are integral and cannot be separated with impunity.

DJNBU Purposeful Graduates 

Developing purposeful graduates is the culmination of all aspects

of an DJNBU education and experience. Purposeful graduates apply skills and knowledge into practice as productive and contributing members in their respective families, churches, communities, and places of work..

DJNBU takes seriously its history and calling to deliver excellent academic programs within a distinctively Christian learning environment. Faculty and students engage in research and academic dialogue from a faith-based perspective and with a confessional commitment to the authority of the Bible as Holy Scripture


DrJ Nails Sr. Bold University

3444 Austin Ave

Macon, GA 31204

Phone: 1-888-228-3852

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