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Accreditation Commission


Saint Thomas Christian College is registered with the Commission for Independent Education of the Florida Department of Education as a Religious Institution, and therefore is exempt from Licensure by Florida State Statute.

Contact Number is  (850) 245-3200

St Thomas Christian University is committed to the belief of separation of church and state.  We have not applied for accreditation with the United States Department of Education or any federal agency.

We have applied for, and received, religious exemption status from the State of Florida.

We also have received a Letter of Exemption from Certification issued by the Florida Commission for Independent Education

Our institution is authorized to offers only educational programs that prepare students for religious vocations as ministers, professionals, or laypersons in the categories of ministry, counseling, theology, education, administration, music, fine arts, media communications, or social work.

Religious institutions that meet the requirements found in Section 1005.06(1) (f), Florida Statutes and Rule 6E-5.001, 

To view our status goes to

Private Accreditation ​

North American Association of Christian Schools and Colleges
138 E 12300 S Ste C
Draper, UT 84020
Contact Number :1-800-360-1931
Email Address:



Credits and degrees earned from colleges in the State of Florida, which are authorized by the State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities, do not qualify the holder for a state teaching certification, nor do they qualify him or her to participate in professional licensing examinations. Any person interested in obtaining a state teaching certificate or practicing a regulated profession should contact the appropriate regulatory agency in the field of his interest.

Transferability of credits earned at Saint Thomas Christian College and transferred to another institution is at the discretion of the receiving institution.

Staff Leaders

DJNBU Graduate Believes.

The Bible is the revelation of the nature and will of God, the incarnation of the Son, and the work of the Holy Spirit, and is the authority for Christian faith and practice.
Life has meaning only through a relationship with God, recognizing that the pursuit of knowledge in any field is ultimately a quest for understanding of God and His creation. Faith and learning are integral and cannot be separated with impunity.

DJNBU Purposeful Graduates 

Developing purposeful graduates is the culmination of all aspects

of an DJNBU education and experience. Purposeful graduates apply skills and knowledge into practice as productive and contributing members in their respective families, churches, communities, and places of work..

DJNBU takes seriously its history and calling to deliver excellent academic programs within a distinctively Christian learning environment. Faculty and students engage in research and academic dialogue from a faith-based perspective and with a confessional commitment to the authority of the Bible as Holy Scripture


DrJ Nails Sr. Bold University

3444 Austin Ave

Macon, GA 31204

Phone: 1-888-228-3852

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