DrJ Nails Sr. Bold University
Doctorate Program
The Doctoral Degrees are the culmination of Seminary studies. The Doctoral Degree is a professional degree, specifically designed to equip the prospective student in the areas of Pastoral, Evangelistic, Missiology, and Seminary teaching ministry. Historically, in Europe, the doctorate degree was given primarily to men who were educators in the universities, or in the churches. These early doctorates were based predominantly upon the completion of studies by these men, while they were engaged in their respective vocations. These men would complete their studies under one or two professors or qualified individuals working under the auspices of the university. Upon entering a doctorate program, the student would either choose or be assigned a faculty advisor who would oversee his reading, research, and writing projects. Most of these courses were completed by independent study. Having completed his courses of study, the student would be given orator written examinations for evaluating his knowledge of the subject matter covered in the courses of study assigned to him. Upon satisfactory examination, the student would then proceed to write his dissertational project. Once the dissertation had been completed, the student would then submit the project to his advisor and the university. The student would then be assigned an appointed time at which he would give an oral defense of the doctoral dissertation. Upon acceptance of the completed project and defense, the student would be awarded the distinct honor of Doctor. These same practices are to a lesser degree still being carried on in the European schools today. The doctoral programs of Saint Thomas Christian University and Theological Seminary have been designed generally upon the structure and format of the European system. Each degree offers the flexibility to accommodate the needs of individual students, without compromising academic standards.
We offer Doctorate degrees in the following areas of study:
Doctor of Christian Education
Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Counseling
Doctor of Ministry
Doctor of Theology
* Completion of any of the aforementioned Doctoral Degree Programs must include a combination of a minimum 109 credit hours between their Masters Program and their Doctorate program. While there is a set of core classes for each Doctoral degree area of study all degree programs will be customized to reflect the needs of the students both academically and professionally.
Doctoral Program General Information
Admissions Requirements
1. A Master of Divinity degree or its equivalent from an accredited graduate
school (official transcript(s) required).
2. An acceptable, verifiable, employment experience in a specific area of
career ministry.
3. An acceptable, verifiable two year history showing good professional
standing, adherence to the fundamentals of the Christian faith, and good
Christian character and conduct.
4. A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) in recognized
Master level work..
5. An acceptable, verifiable ministry laboratory in which the applicant can
pursue the required projects.
6. New students to S.T.C.U must fill out an Admissions application and
submit appropriate fees before admission is granted. If you are a returning student you do not have to submit a new application.
Appealing Admissions Denials
When applicants do not meet the regular admission requirements for entrance into an academic program, they will be notified of nonacceptance by the Admissions Office. Such decisions may be appealed by the students who believe that extenuating circumstances are responsible for their failure to meet the requirements for admission. Appeals are to be submitted in writing to the Vice President Satellite Campuses, who will refer the matter to the appropriate faculty committee (i.e., the undergraduate or graduate committee). The committee's decision will be relayed to the appellant by the admissions office, and that decision will be final. Students who enter an academic program through the appeals process, without meeting the regular admissions requirements, may, at the discretion of the appeals committee, be admitted on condition of satisfactory performance in the first year of study. Such students will be notified of the probation or other conditions that apply when the faculty secretary informs them of their acceptance. Failure to fulfill such conditions may result in prolonged probation or dismissal.
All Dissertations must be professionally bound. Three (3) copies must be submitted to the Seminary. All Dissertations become the property of the Seminary, added to the library, and may not be published without prior written authorization of the Seminary.
Doctor of Christian Education
This program of study consists of thirty (30) credit hours of specific and independent studies. The goal of this graduate program is to prepare teachers and administrators in the field of religious education. Applicants seeking to become involved as teachers and/or administrators in Bible Schools/Colleges or Christian secondary or elementary education may choose this degree.
PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS - Christian Education:
Fourty-eight (48) credit hours of directed and independent studies which includes documented research and reading of 20,000 pages. You must have a minimum Bibliography of 50 books.Dissertation must be typewritten, double spaced, and not less than 150 pages covering a topic in the students field of study.
CORE Credit Hours
CED-7000 Christian Education I 3
CED-7010 Christian Education II 3
CED-7015 Youth Ministry 3
CED-7020 Methods of Teaching 3
CED-8000 Christian Education in Small Churches 3
CED-8010 Christian Education for the Real World 3
CED-8015 Christian School Management 3
CED-8020 Ministering to Today's Management 3
CED-8025 Trends and Issues in Christian Education 3
Doctoral Dissertation - Part 1 6
Doctoral Dissertation - Part 2 6
Doctoral Dissertation - Part 3 6
Practicum 12
Required Electives 6
Total Core 63 *Other courses may be necessary to reach the minimum 109 credit hours between the Masters Degree and Doctoral Program core classes.
Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Counseling
This program of study consists of sixty (60) credit hours of study and counseling practicum. The student must hold a Masters degree in a related field of study, have a minimum of one year, full time, post-masters clinical experience.
Dissertation: Thirty (30) credit hours of directed and independent studies which includes documented research and reading of 20,000 pages. You must have a minimum Bibliography of 50 books. Dissertation must be typewritten, double spaced, and not less than 150 pages covering a topic in the student's field of study.
Two hundred (200)hours of internship with a licensed Christian
Counselor approved by Saint Thomas Christian College and Theological Seminary. The student must submit a Thesis of 25 pages that includes each case studied with the Counselor.
Two hundred (200) hours of supervision in an approved facility such as Rapha, etc. The student must submit a Thesis of at least 25 pages including a profile for each case studied in the facility.
CORE Credit Hours
DCC-7000 Multi-Cultural Ministry 3
DCC-7005 Small Group Development 3
DCC-7010 Ministry Crisis Management 3
DCC-7015 Solution-Focused Pastoral Counseling 3
DCC-7020 Effective Biblical Counseling 3
DCC-7025 Counseling Women 3
DCC-7030 Biblical Ethics 3
DCC-7035 Darwinism from a Scientific Perspective 3
DCC-7040 Concise History of Christian Thought 3
DCC-7045 Community Formation 3Doctoral Dissertation - Part 1 6
Doctoral Dissertation - Part 2 6
Doctoral Dissertation - Part 2 6
Practicum 12
Total Core 60
*Other courses may be necessary to reach the minimum 109 credit hours between the Masters Degree and Doctoral Program core classes.
Doctor of Ministry
The Doctor of Ministry program is designed for Pastors, counselors, and related full time ministries. The Doctor of Ministry program is thirty (30) credit hours. This degree can also be a project-oriented degree.
Thirty (30) credit hours of directed and independent studies which includes documented research and reading of 20,000 pages. You must have a minimum Bibliography of 50 books.
Dissertation must be typewritten, double spaced, and not less than 750 pages covering a topic in the students field of study.
CORE ___________Credit Hours
DMIN-602 Research & Resources for Advanced Bible
Study 3
DMIN-611 Theological Foundations of Ministry 3
DMIN-614 Ethics In Ministry 3
DMIN-621 Christian Ministry in a Contemporary Culture 3
DMIN-633 Evangelism Strategies 3
DMIN-637 The Art of Preaching 3
DMIN-643 Conflict Management 3
DMIN-652 Spiritual Formation and Discipleship 3
DMIN-654 Servant Leadership Practicum 3
Dissertation Part 1 6
Dissertation Part 2 6
Dissertation Part 3 6
Total 45
*Other courses may be necessary to reach the minimum 109 credit hours between the Masters Degree and Doctoral Program core classes.
Doctor of Theology
The Doctor of Theology is a professional degree to prepare the student for Seminary level instruction and teaching. This degree is thirty (30) credit hours above the Master of Theology degree. The student must have a background in theology, philosophy, church history, and Christian doctrine to enter this program.
Thirty (30)credit hours of directed and independent studies above the Master of Theology which includes documented research and reading of 20,000 pages. You must have a minimum Bibliography of 50 books.
Dissertation must be typewritten, double spaced, and not less than 250 pages covering a topic in the students field of study.
CORE ___________Credit Hours
THE-800 Prepare Your Church for the Future 3
THE-804 Church Growth Management 3
THE-805 Building A Healthy Church 3
THE-807 Church Marketing 3
THE-809 Strategy and Planning 3
THE-813 Mastering Church Management 3
THE-815 Pastoring & Leading A Small Church 3
THE-820 Effective Preaching 3
THE-823 Developing Church Staff 3
THE-830 The Canon Debate 3
THE-831 Synonyms of the Old Testament 3
THE-833 Concise Bible Doctrine 3
THE-834 Pneumatology 3
THE-836 Advanced New Testament Theology 3
THE-839 Post Missionary Messianic Judaism 3
THE-840 Battle of Christendom 3
THE-801 Biblical Counseling 3
Dissertation Part 1 6
Dissertation Part 2 6
Dissertation Part 3 6
Total 69